Yes. You can rent a band organ, calliope, or monkey organ to festivals, store openings, parades, and events. Not only are you enjoying your instrument, you are the life of the party and you are getting paid for it! Typically you can charge $400.00 and up for such events. Not only that, you can also sell recordings of your mechanical instrument to the eager and interested public! Nickelodeons can be put on location and can collect the coins from the public. Most coin operated old nickelodeons can be fitted with a remote relay operated coin mechanism or dollar feeder. Remember with inflation a nickelodeon should now be a Buck-a-lodeon! I recently visited an ice cream parlor in New Hampshire that has a nickelodeon. The kids and adults were constantly feeding the instrument money! One WWII double amputee I knew owned a string of coin pianos which he placed throughout northern Wisconsin. Over the years he made a comfortable retirement income from his instruments!