No! What is most important is knowledge of the item, its history, and its condition. Not every dealer has a firm foundation in the mechanics and history of a piece of mechanical music or has worked in a prominent restoration shop as I have. Their lack of expertise will result in you making a bad purchase decision. Not every dealer understands music and is a trained musician as I am. I am generous with my time and give a lot back to the field of mechanical music. Few such as I have given numerous lectures and have written articles on mechanical music. Few such as I have been consulted by the top experts in the field. I freely offer my vast knowledge about the field of mechanical music to those who want to learn. If you want valuable insight into the world of mechanical music, then contact me with your questions about mechanical music! My knowledge of the mechanical music business is backed by a huge mechanical music archive that has taken years to build which fills numerous file cabinets! Enthusiasts have told me I am a “walking encyclopedia” on mechanical musical instruments of all types. And I am faster and better than any research tool you could use! Remember, I am your best resource in mechanical music when you make a purchase decision.
Analyze how the dealer makes their fee so that you feel comfortable with every aspect of the transaction. I hold to the highest standard of ethics. You deserve the best price and the best item you can afford. I want to provide you with a mechanical instrument for the lowest possible price! Everyone wants a good price including me. Its only natural. My fee is small and is the envy of other dealers! Other dealers build in large profits and incorporate multiple moving expenses into the prices of the instruments they sell. I do not. Call me and discuss price with me. You will be surprised how reasonable the prices are on the instruments I sell. My goal is to give you the very best price and to have you as a return customer again and again! Remember, your goal to acquire a fine instrument for a good price which I will do for you.